is the largest and most active independent online community for HR professionals in the UK, with over 100,000 unique users per month.
Subscribers are kept up to date via the website, social channels and through twice-weekly email briefings on the latest HR issues.
In addition to the topical editorial content one of's strengths lies in its highly interactive forum where members can network, debate and share knowledge with fellow HR professionals.
Advertising solutions
- We provide engaging advertising solutions online, by email and via mobile devices that deliver a great return on your marketing investment, including:
- Display advertising
- Inclusion within email bulletins
- Audio/video solutions
- Collateral production/educational content
- Research
- Event sponsorship
For more details on our advertising solutions and to download the media pack visit the Sift Media website.
Duncan Ledger
Commercial Manager
Tel: 0117 321 8514 | Mob: 07581 498 744